Frequently asked questions


Who created this Voting Guide?

In 2024, the Brainerd Lakes Chamber, Brainerd Dispatch and League of Women Voters combined efforts to publish a single, comprehensive voting guide as a public service to Lakes Area residents. We also have a number of promotional partners to help spread the word, including other chambers and media organizations

Is this a nonpartisan resource?

Yes. The Chamber and League advocate for a variety of public policies that are important to our members, but none of our partner organizations endorse candidates or political parties.

Why aren’t all area races included?

Because this is a new effort and a big undertaking, we chose to focus on certain area races in Crow Wing and Southern Cass Counties (i.e., the greater “Lakes Area” served by our organizations). We weren’t able to include area townships, judgeships and Soil and Water Conservation Districts, for example, but we will consider adding these in future years. City races with no candidate responses are displayed in gray and only include candidate names.

Why aren’t all candidates included?

In August, we began reaching out to candidates using contact information supplied in their official filing. If a candidate’s responses aren’t included, it’s because they didn’t respond to this and other follow-up communications. Those who expressly declined to participate are noted on their individual profile pages.

I’m a local candidate and missed the deadline. Can I still participate?

Yes. Please contact Colleen at or 218-822-7107.

Why is some candidate information missing, mistyped or different than others?

Our policy is to publish candidate responses EXACTLY how they are submitted, without additional editing. All candidates had the option to submit a photo and video. If a candidate didn’t respond to one or more questions, they are not displayed on their profile page.

Why should I share this voting guide with young people?

Informed voting is both a right and responsibility. We believe that our future depends on everyone—especially young citizens—actively participating in the democratic process. By introducing children and younger voters to this guide and other resources, you are doing your part to pass along a sacred American legacy.