Bridgette Brown

Pillager School Board Member: ISD #116
(elect 3)

Political Party:





Self employed


Spouse: Earl Brown children: Gwendlynne, Earl M., Frank, Gus Brown




Three words that best describe you as a candidate:

Humble, dedicated, caring


I was appointed to the board in April of 2024. I was previously a township treasurer. Been building my business from the ground up since 2011. Being a mom of four I have experience in delegation, mediation, and negotiation (LOL).

Why are you running?

I am home town girl. I graduated from Pillager in 2004. I love my town. I care deeply about our children's education. My goal as a board member is to help make decisions that will help our students to become successful adults.

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

My family is deeply rooted in the pillager community. My children are currently 4th generation pillager students. Helping our students receive a well rounded education so that they become successful adults after graduation is very important.

What are the top two or three issues facing the school district?

Growth: this is a good problem. Our school is growing fast. Political Agenda: I don't believe a school is where agendas should be pushed. I hope to keep our schools strictly educational and leave the politics for the home. Rounded education: no student is the same. I hope to continue to help build a well rounded education. Giving our students as many options and encouragement to learn about different fields and options for jobs.

What are your plans to address those issues?

Growth: we will be facing another referendum soon with our pace of growth. I hope to be on the board to help our community choose the most fiscally responsible way to do so. Politics: I want to be a part of the policy making process that protects our students from unnecessary opinion. Rounded education: being on the board and available to speak with teachers, together we come up with ideas to add new classes.

How would you prioritize area businesses, jobs and the economy?

How would you address the school district’s budget needs?

Our board has done an amazing job at keeping our budget balanced. Simply put, we don't spend what we don't have. We are creative and smart at the same time. I hope to continue to be a part of this commitment to well rounded budget and education.

*All candidates were contacted between August 19 and September 13, 2024 at email addresses and phone numbers listed in public filing records. Questionnaires had strict word/time limits and are published EXACTLY as submitted. No info is displayed if a candidate didn’t respond.